Through Girl Scouts girls discover the fun, friendship, and power of girls together. Through a myriad of enriching experiences such as extraordinary field trips, sports skill-building clinics, community service projects, cultural exchanges, and environmental stewardship girls grow courageous and strong. Girl Scouting helps girls
- develop their full individual potential
- relate to others with increasing understanding, skill, and respect
- develop values to guide their actions and provide the foundation for sound decision-making
- and contribute to the improvement of society through their abilities, leadership skills, and cooperation with others.
Please note that each troop plans their own schedules.
To become a leader, other volunteer, or to join a troop, please contact the Grand Rapids Service Center at: 3275 Walker Avenue NW, Grand Rapids MI 49544
Direct: 616.784.3341, Fax: 616.784.8187 or Call us Toll Free: 844-GSMISTS
Girl Scouts Michigan Shore to Shore